A Study on the Transition to a Consumption-Based Heat Billing System

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Tserendolgor Dugargaramjav https://orcid.org/0009-0001-2441-318X
Tsetsgee Sereejav
Erdenechimeg Byambasuren


energy tariff, heat cost allocator, heat consumption, heat metering


One of the primary indicators influencing the dependability of the district heating system system is the corrosion of the pipeline surface. This article presents the findings of measurements and tests conducted on the example of the heat supply system in our country. The effects of electromagnetic fields on the surface corrosion of heat pipelines located in the area intersecting with high voltage lines and along overhead power lines are discussed. In the contemporary era, ecological concerns, including those about electromagnetic ecology, have emerged as a significant area of focus within science, technology, and socioeconomics. The study of the impact of energy pollution factors has led to the development of electromagnetic safety norms and standards. However, there is a lack of unified norms and standards for electromagnetic ecological assessment at the current stage. The measurements indicate that the electric field strength is 0.38-32.33 V/m, while the magnetic field strength is 0.07-11.56 A/m. The voltage of the electric field is directly proportional to the voltage of the conductor. At the measurement point near the overhead power line (at a height of 1 m above the heat transmission line), the maximum voltage was 32.33 V/m. However, since the voltage of the magnetic field is directly proportional to the current running through the electric conductor, the current flowing through the conductor on the output of the extension generator had the highest value, resulting in the maximum magnetic field voltage of 11.56 A/m, which indicates that the measurement is accurate.


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