Published: 2024-12-29
Journal of Energy Transition (JET) is an online journal that publishes articles in all areas of the energy sector by Power Engineering School, Mongolian University of Science and Technology. The journal is an international, peer-reviewed, and multi-disciplinary journal that publishes original articles in English and Mongolian which have international and domestic importance.
A Study on the Transition to a Consumption-Based Heat Billing System
Abstract 136 | PDF Downloads 65 | DOI 1-8
Mathematical Modeling of Cost for 220kV Overhead Power Line
Abstract 139 | PDF Downloads 44 | DOI 9-14
Study of the Influence of Electromagnetic Fields on the Corrosion of District Heating Pipelines
Abstract 66 | PDF Downloads 30 | DOI 15-21
Simulation Study of the 18 MW Condensing Power Plant at Coke-Oven Plant
Abstract 96 | PDF Downloads 59 | DOI 22-30