Geo-energy and Activities, Energy Policy of the Mongolia: Problems, Challenges, and Solutions

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Myagmarsuren Dashzevge


Energy geopolitics, Security, Geoeconomic fragmentation, Energy strategy, Third neighbor policy, Energy actor


This article summarizes research reports on the foundations of geo-energy study theory, dynamic change and transition in international relations or geopolitical fields, geo-economics fragmentation, and the new distribution of powers in the region. Based on the situation analysis, I tried to explore the dangers and risks facing the national security of the country. Moreover, policy analysis was conducted on energy strategy policy that stated mid and long-term development concepts of the country. One can distinguish the Mongolian energy strategy into two objectives:

  1. To establish and maintain energy security;

  2. To keep and grow in the role of an energy-market player.

According to geo-energy theory, the Mongolian energy policy can be divided into three separate fields, such as 1) Steps according to the changes and risks associated with world order; 2) Steps according to the third-neighbor policy; and 3) Steps according to cooperation with two neighbors. The dynamics of the change in the world energy sector have naturally dragged Mongolia into its competitive field as a country that has tremendous resources of clean energy and critical minerals. Although Mongolia has the potential to be a big player in the field, it has to play along with super players in the field and consider their interests and arrangements. To attract foreign investment and high technology, Mongolia should employ an attractive policy in the long term. It requires the country to be active in the world energy field and to calculate future energy trends, dynamics, and arrangements correctly.


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