Journal of Energy Transition
<p>Journal of Energy Transition (JET) is an online journal that publishes articles in all areas of the energy sector by School of Power Engineering, Mongolian University of Science and Technology. </p>Energy Transistion of Elecrical and Thermal engineeringen-USJournal of Energy Transition 3006-4198A Study on the Transition to a Consumption-Based Heat Billing System
<p>One of the primary indicators influencing the dependability of the district heating system system is the corrosion of the pipeline surface. This article presents the findings of measurements and tests conducted on the example of the heat supply system in our country. The effects of electromagnetic fields on the surface corrosion of heat pipelines located in the area intersecting with high voltage lines and along overhead power lines are discussed. In the contemporary era, ecological concerns, including those about electromagnetic ecology, have emerged as a significant area of focus within science, technology, and socioeconomics. The study of the impact of energy pollution factors has led to the development of electromagnetic safety norms and standards. However, there is a lack of unified norms and standards for electromagnetic ecological assessment at the current stage. The measurements indicate that the electric field strength is 0.38-32.33 V/m, while the magnetic field strength is 0.07-11.56 A/m. The voltage of the electric field is directly proportional to the voltage of the conductor. At the measurement point near the overhead power line (at a height of 1 m above the heat transmission line), the maximum voltage was 32.33 V/m. However, since the voltage of the magnetic field is directly proportional to the current running through the electric conductor, the current flowing through the conductor on the output of the extension generator had the highest value, resulting in the maximum magnetic field voltage of 11.56 A/m, which indicates that the measurement is accurate.</p>Tserendolgor DugargaramjavTsetsgee SereejavErdenechimeg Byambasuren
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Energy Transition
2024-12-292024-12-29211810.59264/jet.v2i1.53Mathematical Modeling of Cost for 220kV Overhead Power Line
<div><span lang="EN-US">The optimal design for the transmission and distribution of electric power largely depends on several factors, which include the voltage level of the transmission line, the structure and design of the network, as well as the power rating and parameters of its elements. One of the primary challenges of a prospective electric system development study is to analyze different options for a power network based on the aforementioned factors and select the best solution among them.</span></div> <div><span lang="EN-US"> This </span><span lang="EN-US"><span lang="EN-US">research aims to determine the economic intervals of current for 220kV overhead power lines, which are extensively utilized in the power transmission network of Mongolia, and present the results of developing a mathematical models of costs based on the cross section of the conductors and the number of circuits on overhead power lines.</span></span> <div><span lang="MN">The current limit values </span><span lang="EN-US">(<em>I<sub>240-300 </sub>= 68.6A, I<sub>300-400</sub>=78.2A, I<sub>240-400</sub>=73.56A</em></span><span lang="EN-US">) </span><span lang="MN"><span lang="MN">corresponding to the point of intersection of two adjacent cross-sections of power transmission lines are determined.</span></span> <div><span lang="MN">The utilization of mathematical models for established costs can be employed to select conductor cross-sections at both the planning stage of the power grid and the design stage of the 220 kV overhead transmission line.</span></div> </div> </div> <div> </div>Tsogbayar OnkhSodnomdorj Dari
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Energy Transition
2024-12-292024-12-292191410.59264/jet.v2i1.44Study of the Influence of Electromagnetic Fields on the Corrosion of District Heating Pipelines
<p>One of the primary indicators influencing the dependability of the district heating system system is the corrosion of the pipeline surface. This article presents the findings of measurements and tests conducted on the example of the heat supply system in our country. The effects of electromagnetic fields on the surface corrosion of heat pipelines located in the area intersecting with high voltage lines and along overhead power lines are discussed. In the contemporary era, ecological concerns, including those pertaining to electromagnetic ecology, have emerged as a significant area of focus within the domains of science, technology, and socioeconomics. The study of the impact of energy pollution factors has led to the development of electromagnetic safety norms and standards. However, at the current stage, there is a lack of unified norms and standards for electromagnetic ecological assessment. Results of measurements indicate that the electric field strength is 0.38-32.33 V/m, while the magnetic field strength is 0.07-11.56 A/m. The voltage of the electric field is directly proportional to the voltage of the conductor. At the measurement point near the overhead power line (at a height of 1 m above the heat transmission line), the maximum voltage was 32.33 V/m. However, since the voltage of the magnetic field is directly proportional to the current running through the electric conductor, the current flowing through the conductor on the output of the extension generator had the highest value, resulting in the maximum magnetic field voltage of 11.56 A/m, which indicates that the measurement is accurate.</p>Tserendolgor DugargaramjavByambatsogt PashkaBattulga Munkhbaatar
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Energy Transition
2024-12-302024-12-3021152110.59264/jet.v2i1.54Simulation Study of the 18 MW Condensing Power Plant at Coke-Oven Plant
<p>Due to climate change, air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and the scarcity of energy resources worldwide, coupled with a sharp increase in prices, countries face an urgent need to review their energy policies. They need to shift away from solid fuels toward renewable energy and waste heat from industrial processes for energy production. Using heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) in industrial processes can reduce fuel consumption and repurpose high-potential flue gases from coke, cement, and chemical plants to heat water, produce steam, and generate electricity in thermal power plants. Heat recovery steam generators enable the most efficient use of waste gas heat from industrial processes. This research paper presents a thermodynamic model of an 18 MW condensing power plant (CPP), featuring three boilers and three turbines. The model utilizes a heat recovery steam generator operating at 950°C with a mass flow rate of 72 t/h from the waste gas heat of the coke-oven plant. This study examines the 18 MW condensing power plant's operating performance and techno-economic indices under design and off-design conditions. The impact of changes in waste gas parameters (temperature and mass flow rate) from the coke-oven plant on the operating performance and techno-economic indices of the 18 MW condensing power plant was also studied. A simulation was developed to install an additional gas fuel burner in the heat recovery steam generator that utilizes waste gas heat, aiming to maintain the operating performance and techno-economic indices of the 18 MW condensing power plant at a nominal load when the flue gas parameters change.</p>Batsuuri KhurelbaatarEnkhbayar Shagdar
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Energy Transition